21 Jan 2014


I apologize in advance, because this is more “stream of consciousness in a terminal” than how to correctly use either Puppet or Heat with Openstack. But there is a noticeable void in terms of community Openstack documentation, so I figure putting something out there is better then nothing… and hopefully people will comment and tell me how I should be doing things.

That said, here’s an incredibly opinionated way to use Puppet in conjunction with Heat to provision a vm to host a Jekyll site (or anything else you can find or build a puppet module for.)

What site will we be serving you ask? Why this one of course (txt.fliglio.com)!

Get a Base Image Ready

First thing’s first: get a base image ready to work from. I’m going to use one of Ubuntu’s cloud images.

glance image-create \
	--name ubuntu-precise \
	--disk-format ami \
	--container-format bare \
	--is-public True \
	--copy-from \

It will probably take a few minutes to load; make sure it’s “ACTIVE” before continuing (you can check the status with nova image-list)

Adding some Heat

At this point, we can start playing with Heat. Take a look at some templates to get an idea of how this works, or just keep reading.

If you’re like me, the idea of wrestling with user data formats and using bash scripts to build your box causes anxiety. So let’s build up our box with Puppet instead.

Going forward, I’ll be updating a hot template I found in Openstack’s heat templates github repo which I pared down to only launch a single server (“Server1”).

Making Puppet Hot

There are a number of ways to run puppet and even more ways to get puppet modules / dependencies in place. I will walk you through one (very) opinionated way.

Though we will try to keep our provisioning in Puppet, a small amount of bootstrapping is still needed to kick things off. This we can provide with a brief (and more importantly generic) bash script encoded in user_data. This script will obtain a Puppet Controller with git and apply it to our vm. Ok, I just made that term up… it’s the name I’m using to describe a repo containing a Puppetfile to provide r10k with a list of deps, and a default.pp manifest to drive provisioning the vm; here’s the one for our example: puppet-txt.fliglio.com.

To recap, the bootstrap shell script will:

  • Install packages (only those needed for the script)
  • clone the controller repo
  • grab Puppet deps with r10k
  • run puppet apply

For our example controller (puppet-txt.fliglio.com), the puppet apply command will:

  • install Jekyll
  • clone a copy of txt.fliglio.com from github (this address is specified in our controller repo’s default.pp)
  • install an upstart service to serve the site.
  • start the newly configured service

Here’s an excerpt from the modified heat template showing what the bootstrap script looks like:

    type: string
    description: Git repo with puppet Puppetfile and manifests
    type: OS::Nova::Server
      name: Server1
      image: { get_param: image }
      flavor: { get_param: flavor }
      key_name: { get_param: key_name }
      # admin_user: { get_param: admin_user }
        - port: { get_resource: server1_port }
          template: |

            apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net 4BD6EC30
            echo "deb http://apt.puppetlabs.com precise main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list
            echo "deb http://apt.puppetlabs.com precise dependencies" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list
            apt-get update
            apt-get -y install puppet ruby1.9.1-full git

            gem install r10k

            TMP_PATH=`mktemp -d`

            git clone $PUPPET_REPO $TMP_PATH
            cp $TMP_PATH/puppet/Puppetfile /etc/puppet/Puppetfile # r10k gets cranky if the Puppetfile isn't here
            cd /etc/puppet
            r10k puppetfile install ./Puppetfile

            puppet apply $TMP_PATH/puppet/Manifests/default.pp

            $PUPPET_REPO: { get_param: puppet_repo }


Getting ready to launch…

The last steps before we can provision our stack are…

Add in an ssh key (only if you need to shell into the box):

nova keypair-add --pub_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub bens

Identify the public and private net_id values. You can get this with neutron:

$ neutron net-list
| id                                   | name      | subnets                                            |
| 1152a93b-d221-41a7-b5be-3428ed991eb2 | net04     | 552ca915-8bb6-46bf-b29c-3e0eceeef064  |
| d98bc495-ac30-4136-9690-6545a8436468 | net04_ext | 4590955a-f4ac-42fa-81bf-5c730efb62b9 |

Identify the private_subnet_id:

$ neutron subnet-list
| id                                   | name              | cidr          | allocation_pools                               |
| 4590955a-f4ac-42fa-81bf-5c730efb62b9 | net04_ext__subnet | | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| 552ca915-8bb6-46bf-b29c-3e0eceeef064 | net04__subnet     |  | {"start": "", "end": ""}   |

And make sure we have our heat template ready (download my copy here)

That’s all? you mean we’re ready?

Let’s launch a stack:

heat stack-create teststack \
	-f ./demo.yml \
	-P "key_name=bens;image=ubuntu-precise;flavor=m1.small;public_net_id=d98bc495-ac30-4136-9690-6545a8436468;private_net_id=1152a93b-d221-41a7-b5be-3428ed991eb2;private_subnet_id=552ca915-8bb6-46bf-b29c-3e0eceeef064;puppet_repo=https://github.com/benschw/puppet-txt.fliglio.com.git"

Now you can figure out the public ip and navigate to it in your browser:

$ nova list
| ID                                   | Name       | Status  | Task State | Power State | Networks                      |
| 773ba7bf-8aae-428b-a19c-2bce35d63db7 | Server1    | ACTIVE  | None       | Running     | net04=, |
| 2e9e994c-d2f9-4232-82bd-752ccdff346c | ubuntuinst | SHUTOFF | None       | Shutdown    | net04=              |

$ chromium-browser

Some notes…

  • When I ran through this example, there was no way to specify an admin_user with heat, so your ssh key will always be installed to ec2-user. This option seems to be available now, so if you’re using a more recent version of Havana you may have better luck.
  • It takes a while to apply the user_data, so don’t expect everything to be ready yet. Shelling in and running ps -ef should give you some idea of how far along things are.

Final Thoughts

Heat is pretty cool (and pretty rough around the edges) and I’ve only scratched the surface. Everything done here could basically be accomplished with nova; heat’s real power isn’t revealed until you start configuring multiple nodes with complex relationships.

Puppet makes Heat even cooler though. Puppet gives you a way to make sure your application and its requirements come on line in a repeatable way. When combined with Heat and Openstack, we have a solid set of tools to make building and deploying ephemeral and immutable vms easy.

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